How to pick the right size mirror | Part 1

We explore the importance of picking the right size mirror. 

A mirror can bring new life into a room. Make a room or area appear spacious and brighter. But there are a few things to keep in mind.

Why the right size mirror matters

It is important to decide what impact your want your mirror to make. Think about what your main goal is with the mirror. Do you want the mirror to be a focal point, an accent, or merely act as the background?

The spruce shares some great examples:

  • "A single small mirror on a large wall will look lost and insignificant. Choose a size that is appropriate for the wall you have selected.
  • If you want your mirror to be​ a focal point in your room, make sure it is large enough to stand out, but also define it by choosing a frame that makes it even more noticeable.
  • If you want your mirror to become part of the background, you should choose one that is extra large so that its function then becomes to make your space appear larger. Don't give it a frame that draws attention to itself.
  • Smaller mirrors can be used as accents, catching light here, reflecting an interesting object there. They can also be used in groups. If you do plan to use smaller mirrors in groups, remember that together are acting to form a much larger shape and these could act as a focal point in the room."
                                                                                        The spruce

Find your mirror shape that works for you

There are many shapes and sizes out there. Sometimes the size is perfect but the shape isn't. So how do you find your mirror shape?

Shapes create a mood, accentuate what is already there, or give an illusion of something else.

As mentioned by The spruce:

  • A long horizontal shape will serve to accentuate width, as it helps sweep your eye along a long line. A tall vertical shape will call attention to height as it makes your eye travel up.
  • An angular shape such as a square or rectangle will help give an orderly restrained look. 
  • Use a rounded or curved frame for a softer or maybe even whimsical look, depending on the style of its frame.
  • You can even create a shape by grouping several mirrors together just the way you would with photographs or framed art.

check out our range of mirrors. 

Also read the other parts of this "How to pick the right size mirror" series in our blog section.



The Spruce: